Sexism in the Co-working Space
Riveter just raised $20 million to develop “female-centric” co-working spaces. Indeed, female only co-working spaces are quite the rage. People can’t say enough good things about them. Even socially conscious men are jumping on the bandwagon to praise them.
But why stop there?
According to PBHS Closet there are over 30 genders and just as many sexual orientations. So if female-centric co-working spaces are a good idea then it stands to reason that transgender and homosexual co-working spaces should follow.
The next logical step would be co-working spaces by race and religion. Imagine the societal benefits of a gay, black co-workings space for Jews that only plays music by Sammy Davis Junior. Now that’s progress, right?
In the 60s we called this segregation and we fought to eliminate it. Now it’s back, but but this time it’s covered in victimization wrapping paper. Creating woman-only spaces is necessary because of “toxic masculinity”.
Sexism with a bias towards women is not not only socially acceptable, you get a pat on the back from your friends. Dare question it and you will be unfriended and unfollowed into ideological submission.
What the female lobby misses in all this is that they are creating professional ghettos for women. The implicit message is that woman can’t compete with men, or even co-exist with them. They reinforce the idea that woman are frail creatures that need a safe space to work.
If equality is what they seek, segregating women and discriminating against men is not the answer.